The Era of Growth


Hello Everyone. . . . . .  It has been some while since I write in my Blog (Journal I'd Say) Are you all doing okay? I really hope that you are. . . . . . And if not I will give you all Virtual gypsy hugs. . .  .

Lately Me and My Husband have been really buckling down on growing our foundation on Second Life. . . . Everyone knows I've been Showcasing in the realm here a very long time. . . .  Neu Has never been into Showcasing . . .  Has always been a Creator in other Platforms. . . .  Even though Hab has always put a new image out . . . .  Those images on that Stream has always stood out from the crowd. . . . So this can tell you so much about someone already. . . . 

This year started off with us brainstorming and really putting our time and efforts into those new things we've talked so long about. . . .  I don't like to speak much about what I'm working on to anyone that I know . . . . . Only Neu. . . . .  Reason being cos I just don't feel like (Even with friendships) That people are really supporting you and being genuinely proud of the accomplishments you start to make. . . .

So with this new Era of growth , I'm still going to take images and blog really cute stuff for you all. . .  You'll still see the images you all love very much time to time. . . .  I still have a few Sponsors under my belt that I love and Showcase for still. . .  . .  I never wanted to just do ONE thing on Second Life . .  I've never been that way. . .  It just took me long to do what I wanted to do . . . .  With my person beside me cheering me on and me cheering him on. . . . . There is Nothing on here we can't accomplish together. . . . . I feel I am the luckiest woman here to really have someone who encourages me, to do my absolute best in whatever it is that I want to do. . . . . There is no way but up from here. . . . .

As I'm really navigating on this journey. . . . . . I've realized being a Content Creator can carry some weight but it also gives you the freedom and authencity to be exactly what you want that creation to be. . . . . I really want to thank you all for being really kind to me , reading my Blogs , All the Credits.. . . 

Really thank you so much from the bottom of my heart guys. .  . .

Also let me leave ya'll with this. .  . . .  Please stop faving anything on Flickr ya'll . . . At least do it cos you genuinely appreciate the image.. . .  And that it's just original (Word from mama duckie)

Credentials. . . . 


 Hair - Stealthic - Embers ( Mixed with diffrent bands )

Adorned Accessories - Random Matter - Autry Hair Clips ( Collabor88)

Body Markings - Izzie's ( Lunar Metallic Tattoos)

Top / Bottom / Socks / - Muse - Love Sick Darling (Equal 10) This round

Sleeves - Muse - Yours Truly Sleeves ( Mainstore)

All the cute items that you see around are from HPMD , (NO) Nylon Outfitters , Kotte , Nutmeg , 

Stealthic LM. . ♥

Collabor88 LM. . . . .♥

Equal 10 LM. . . . ♥

Muse LM. . . . . ♥


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